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    展会时间:2021-05-18 至 2021-05-20
    展馆地点:Aerospace & Defense Meetings Central Europe – Rzeszow will take place at Centrum Wystawienniczo Kong
       放大字体  缩小字体   发布日期:2019-11-14 16:17  浏览次数:8361   
    展会日期 2021-05-18 至 2021-05-20
    展出城市 波兰热舒夫
    展出地址 Aerospace & Defense Meetings Central Europe – Rzeszow will take place at Centrum Wystawienniczo Kongresowe.
    展馆名称 Aerospace & Defense Meetings Central Europe – Rzeszow will take place at Centrum Wystawienniczo Kong
    主办单位 France ABE International Business Exhibition Co., Ltd.
    官方网站 http://www.poland.bciaerospace.com

    BCI Aerospace pre-arranges meetings for the supply chain, procurement, technical teams, suppliers and contract manufacturers, through a unique platform which allows participants to pre-select and confirm the companies they would like to meet with: an outstanding tool which not only saves time but helps you to meet the right people.

    Aerospace & Defense Meetings Central Europe – Rzeszow is an outstanding supply chain oriented business forum for:

    • Polish and international contract manufacturers to meet through pre-planned business to business meetings and discuss partnership and business opportunities
    • OEMs and their Tier 1 suppliers to meet contract manufacturers offering specialized capabilities and services for civil and defense applications
    • The entire aerospace industry to detect business and investment opportunities in Poland

    Rzeszow – a hub for the aerospace & defense industries in the region

    Podkarpackie Region with its capital city of Rzeszów, home to the seat of the Aviation Valley - a world class cluster, is famous for its aerospace industry and pilot-training centers.

    Characterized by heavy concentration of aerospace industry, the region is responsible for 90% of total Polish output in the field, also due to the modern R&D centers, as well as educational and training facilities.

    Aviation Valley Cluster counts over 150 aviation and aviationrelated companies with 25,000 employees which leads aeronautics to one of the most innovative sectors in the country’s economy. With more than 90% of their production exported (mainly in USA, Italy, France, UK and Canada) the Poland is worldwide well-known for its ability to meet the requirements of the greatest international OEMs such as Pratt & Whitney, Sikorsky, Goodrich, Airbus Group, Dassault Aviation, Agusta Westland, Safran, Thomson, etc.

    Aviation Valley is a leading location in Central Europe in terms of development and implementation of aerospace projects.

    Poland, a long-lasting involvement in the aerospace industry

    Over the past 20 years, the volume of aircraft production on the global market has doubled in Poland.

    The resistance of the country’s aviation industry to the turbulence of the world economy can find an answer in the fact that it counts a large number of small and medium-sized businesses, including family businesses. These companies are able to manufacture parts to the most modern aircrafts, such as the Boeing 737, the Airbus A380 and the Boeing 787 Dreamliner which is particularly important in times of crisis, when the major manufacturers began to look for cheaper suppliers that are still able to ensure the highest quality.

    With 800 million euros annual sales, the chain of Polish aerospace suppliers is consistently developed. In order to ensure aviation companies the best qualified staff, the country’s aerospace clusters actively collaborate with the academic environment and other educational institutions.

    A notable trend is the opening in recent years by a number of universities of new aviation-related programmes such as “Aviation Management” (Rzeszow School of Information Technology & Management) or Air Transport Infrastructure (Cracow University of Technology). Each year, Polish universities graduate approximately 20.000 engineers and experts that are responding to the market needs: R&D centres alone need for at least 300 new engineers each year. According to the Aviation Valley estimates, in the coming years the sector in Poland will need about a thousand new highly skilled workers.

    Companies’ important investment on R&D (PLN 35.468K amounted by 128 aerospace companies in 2009), cooperation with research centers, participation in international projects, developing clusters and human potential with qualified workers trained in highly developed universities contribute to the quality of the Polish aviation industry.

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    2021-05-18 2021-05-20



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